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Tuesday, March 13, 2007 

Six people "confess" over Lebanon bus bombings

Six Palestinians have confessed to bombing two buses north-east of Beirut last month.

Three people died in the attacks on February 13th. Government supporters said it was an attempt to disrupt memorial services the following day, to mark two years since the assassination of Rafiq Al-Hariri.

The six members of Fateh Al-Islam were arrested after explosives were found in an apartment in Ashrafiyeh, a Christian area in central Beirut.

Fateh Al-Islam broke away from Fateh Al-Intifada - a pro-Syrian group - last year. Fateh Al-Islam first emerged in the poor refugee camp of Bedawi, near Tripoli.

It was expected that, as usual, foreigners are to blame for Lebanon's problems. 'Pure' Lebanese are never responsible. No, they are some of the most irresponsible people on earth.


yeah whatever you say..

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