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Friday, March 09, 2007 

EU ends Syria boycott

The European Union's ending it's two-year freeze on high-level contacts with Syria after almost two years.

Head of Foreign Policy Javier Solana's going to visit Damascus for talks on Lebanon and Middle East peace.

Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern made the announcement at a meeting in Brussels.

France has tried to isolate Syria after accusations it was behind the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

More soon...


OK, that means either there is another, bigger screwball heading our way or France is giving up. I think there's a bigger screwball coming and this is just the carrot.

So many things are not making sense in the news. I don't believe anything anymore.

Yes, Chirac isolated Syria as a result for losing his biggest arse-kisser on Valentine's day, two years ago.

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