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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 

UPDATE: Syrians arrested over Lebanon bus bombing

The Lebanese police have contradicted their earlier statement that six Palestinians had been arrested in connection with last month's bus bombing.

They now say four Syrians are being held. They have all "confessed". A fifth one, they say, is on the run.

They say the Syrians belong to the Palestinian group Fateh Al-Islam. Lebanese Interior Minister Hassan As-Sabaa: "It's not secret that Fateh al-Islam is linked to Fateh al-Intifada which is part of the Syrian security and intelligence apparatus and cooperation between them is very strong."

In fact, As-Sabaa is wrong: Fateh Al-Islam broke away from Fateh Al-Intifada last year after disagreements.

As I said earlier this evening - a foreigner will be blamed for the attack, whether it is a Palestinian or a Syrian. Maybe a Sri Lankan maid will be blamed tomorrow.


is there other abu al qaaqa ?

oh yes , we Lebanese will blame anybody except ourselves.

President Assad is innocent, the leader of fair elections and democracy.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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