Amnesty International: Most Syrians arrested for the Beirut embassy burning weren't even in Beirut at the time
Amnesty International has made the astonishing claim that most of the Syrians accused of involvement in the Beirut riots weren't even in Beirut at the time of the attacks.It explains the high number of Syrians arrested (138 out of 400). Anti-Syrian politicians - Walid Jumblatt in particular - pointed to the arrests of Syrians as proof that the Syrian government had a hand in the violence. Although Samir Jaja did say that Jumblatt was being too quick to point fingers.
More disturbingly, Amnesty have evidence that the Syrians arrested are being beaten in the hope that they will 'confess'. Amnesty also point out that they have been denied access to lawyers.
Amnesty give the example of 42 of the prisoners - officers from the feared Internal Security Forces went to an apartment block in Tariq Jdeide while the demonstrations were still taking place and rounded up every man with a Syrian ID card.
The news comes on the same day that the Lebanese government was presented with a list of Syrians who have been missing since the Civil War. Most of them are feared to be dead, or are still in Lebanese jails.
Yet more evidence that Lebanon is blaming others for its own divisions - even if that means torturing innocent people and rounding up poor workers simply because of their race.
The US intervened in Greada to protect the American students so did France in many African countries ,isnt time for Syria to threaten Lebanon with intervention no matter how hard it is to protect the Syrians in Lebanon.?
Posted by
norman |
4:06 am
Can I get a link to this article, please, Sasa.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:02 am
Yes, Canadian, you'll find it here.
Posted by
sasa |
12:02 pm
The so called 'demonization of Lebanon' is just a small response to what Lebanese politician are doing to Syria everyday & on every single occasion and opportunity. We do not give a damn how clean or dirty is the Lebanese house, it is a purely Lebanese affair. But at the same time it's time for the anti-syrian tidal wave to calm down and the Syrian phobia plague to subside. We had enough of obssessed people like Junblatt & Hamadeh trying to point the finger at Syria whenever an anti-14th March Lebanese try to express their feelings. All Lebanese should stop victimising themselves and their Lebanon. It is time we play it fairly.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:42 am
it was all planned out, all US, UK, Israel, and the UN, they forced the syrian troops outta lebanon, then they attack lebanon using hezoballah as an excuse, please... who in hell is going to belive that all the countries mentioned (US, UK, Israel, and the UN) were helping lebanon, no way israel woulda attacked lebanon if the syrian tropps were in der, they got em out, attack lebanon, take over lebanon exactly a wat they did to palestine, then try, i repeat TRY to take over Syria, good fucken luck you mass murderers.
US, UK, Israel, and the UN, go to HELL...
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:37 pm
Syria use Lebanon to support hezballa, Syria knows that they can’t fight with Israel so they give money and weapon supply to hezballa.
That is the true, Syria don’t give a shit about Lebanon.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:14 pm