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Thursday, February 16, 2006 

Mamoun Homsi and Riad Seif arrested - and freed

Former MPs and opposition activists Mamoun Homsi and Riad Seif (below) were arrested today. They have since been released.

The pair were released last month after spending five years in jail. Seif recently returned from Paris where he met the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood leader.

It's unclear why either of the men were arrested, but it's likely to be just to gather information. Authorities recently banned the two men from holding a press conference.

Seif was picked up at dawn on Wednesday and taken into custody for a couple of hours. Homsi had been released just before Seif was arrested.

Homsi says police searched his house and his father's house and questioned his son.

I think the Syrian govorment is making a mistake by arresting some opposition voices as that will elevate their status without merret ,can sombody tell me ,maybe they answer these questions 1- vews about fixing the economy and discusing that on TV and what will they do better 2- national security and liberation of the golan hights and how they intend to do that.3- rule of religion in govorment and separation of religion and state 4- high education and how they intend to make accesible to all Syrians especialy the poor and the underprivelege 5- mandatory education to high school and the availabelty of private schooles and the cureclum they use 6- tax laws and how do they expect the govorment to continue to provide safe streets and free up to highschool education free comunity hospitals and free high education .7- whay is their stand on Arab nationalism and their plan to have one Arab free market as a first step toward one Arab united state (unated states of Arabia)sure Arab states and people have more in common than the people of the EU and the united states of America.8 i want to know about their way to establish democracy as they see it ,local elections how to organize counties and representaions how to improve the Mail system how to have the streets clean and how they intend to decentralise Syria so peopl will be responsible for their neiborhoods instead of waiting for the govoment in damscus to tell them how to keep the steerts clean and how to force people to finish their buildings instead of buildings standing empty while people are living with their parents because there is no affordable housings .these problems and others are not solved by opposition people calling for human rights but by thinking about solutions and descusing them,that is what Syria needs not more leaders without direction or solutions.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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