America ends talks with Syria on the border issue
America has abruptly ended all talks with Syria on protecting the Syrian-Iraqi border, in order to weaken President Assad.
They have also ended talks with the Ministry of Finance, aimed at stopping terrorists using foreign bank accounts.
These two decisions fly in the face of stated US policy goals. How can America's demands be taken seriously when they refuse to discuss the border, and refuse to talk to the Banks about terror-funding. If the US is even slightly serious about making the border watertight, they wouldn't be walking away from talks - but if the border is a lever to twist Syria's arm with, then walking away might be just what's needed.
My concern is that the US is trying to ignore the boarder so more fighters will make their way into Iraq,then blaming Syria and calling for war to stop the inflow of the fighters,so expect an attack from the east,Syria should always keep Iran as a freind as it is more reliable than the cowerd brotherly arab states.
Posted by
norman |
3:21 am
The leaders and rulers so-called 'fraternal Arab countries' are far more interested in securing their kursi and love of power and wealth!
This is why they went along with the UN sanctions that devastated Iraq - if they had shuja'ah and willpower then they would have completely ignored these UN resolutions and continued trading with Iraq as before!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:10 pm