Ariel Sharon: no agreement with Syria even though they want to talk
Ariel Sharon: "I do not intend to sign any agreement with Syria. Talking about leaving the Golan Heights is a serious mistake and I've said this in the past ... I don't intend to hold negotiations with Syria even though the Syrians definitely want this."
Israel left Lebanon under the presure of Hizballa attack,Israel left Gazza under the fire of the palestenians Hamas ,Syria has a treaty of separation with Israel since 1974 no Israeli has been killed since then on the Golan Hights,Sharon of Israel announces that he will never leave the Golan Hights ,conclusion:the only languege Israel understand is force yes that will cause alot of damage and war is ugly but long term war is more detremental to Israel economy than to Syria,s and make it clear no stop to hostelity untill compleet withdrowel from the Golan Hights no partial to be compleeted on steps but compleet unconditional withdrowel but syria,s goverment should envolve the opposition in that plan so we all rise or fall,i hope the goverment of Syria will look at histery and reach the same conclusion.
Posted by
norman |
2:52 am