Two-thirds of teachers in the Arab World are from Syria
Just one of the incredible facts from Syria's best journalist, Sami Mobayed.
In his latest article, he also says that there are 60,000 Syrians in Germany - ONE-THIRD of them are doctors.
More on Mobayed's piece follows...
10000's of these professors, teachers and scientists are not allowed to visit their own country.
Syria has also the world record of imprisoned scientists and academics.There are also 1000's of them who were killed in the 70's and 80's.
nowadays,syria is a farmhouse for asad's familly and cronies.
Yes this is Syria ,craddle of civilizations...
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:18 am
I left Syria in the early eighties but not because of persecution by the goverment but of fear of the MB i left for economic reason so did many of the people who left at that time first to study then to find out that you are resposible for your familiy financial health so serving in the army is very diffecult while you have to support your family who did not eat well trying to educate you in west,i elected not to return and when paying instead of going to millitery was available i paid althogh i was only two years from fifty when i believe i would not have to pay to avoid the service .i paid because i felt gratefull to what syria did for me free education free health care to my father who had ranal failiur and was on dialysis ,we all owe alot to syria and i hope chang will make syria more open economicly and politcaly so many people will feel wellcomed as i did when i went there in DEC 2003
Posted by
norman |
7:25 pm
I left Syria in the early eighties but not because of persecution by the goverment but of fear of the MB?????
how is that possible if under the Law 49, affiliates to the MB is sentenced to death?????
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:11 am
norman,u repeat always the same ridiculous music.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:17 am
I was in Damascus when the MB started killing univerity teacher because of their religion encluding but not limmeted to propheser Sayegh and Fayad,most of you live in secular countries but want Syrian to live in an islamic culture simmeler to Sauidi Arabia and Kuwait,Syria deserve better.
Posted by
norman |
3:07 am
norman do u believe yourself?
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:05 pm