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Wednesday, November 09, 2005 

Kamal Al-Labwani arrested

Opposition activist Kamal Al-Labwani has been arrested at Damascus Airport. He was returning from the US.

Labwani has been criticised by other members of the opposition for calling for regime change. Hasan Abd Al-Azim, a fellow activist and friend distanced himself from Labwani, saying he doesn't support his extreme views.

Human Rights campaigner Ammar Qurabi, who said Syrians would support the government's release of 190 political prisoners last week, condemned Labwani's arrest. The opposition community will be hoping he has only been taken for questioning - how quickly he is released will say a lot about how the Syrian government really intends to treat the opposition.

Syria is not at war with the US for AL-Labwani to be arrested will propably increase his statue which i think he does not deserve,it would have been better to attack him in the media and show the Syrians that his aim is not to help solve syria,s problems but to power grab no matter what the orice the Syrian people have to pay,and that is the difference a real syrian with a goal improve Syria and some oppositins who want to grab pwer no matter what the consecuances the goverment should encourage the real Syrians and expose yes expose the others and the good yrian people will see the difference.

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