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Wednesday, February 07, 2007 

Bashar on freedoms and democracy

ABC News's Diane Sawyer asks Bashar about a list of political prisoners.

His reply: "We are still at the very beginning, we have a long way to go."

Watch the video here.

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I believe he also said, “We don't have such political prisoners”...
we've been critisizing mainstream media in the US for ever, now that one of them has decided to pet a dictator, everyone suddenly forgot everything about professionalism...

This interview is a total mockery, if this was Oprah doing it, it'd be ok... but dont make a fool out of us, to tell us that, u cant challenge an assertion as provocative as “We don't have such political prisoners”, but u can ask whats on his damn iPod...

we'd be writing columns on how american journalism is such a fucking joke if this question was handed to Olmert... not that it's not being done everyday...

i donno, I personally felt insulted by every laughter in that interview, after i heard the “We don't have such political prisoners”.

he might as well have said "My father never killed anyone in Tadmur"!

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