Letters from Beirut
Some of the achievements of the Siniora government (from UNESCO via the excellent Blogging the Middle East).
- Only one in ten Lebanese primary teachers have received training (equal to Sudan - in Iraq and Palestine, all teachers are trained).
- 12.7% of government expenditure is spent on education (compared to 20% in Djibouti, Morocco, Oman, and UAE).
- There were fewer power cuts during Israel's war on Lebanon (when Israel was targeting power stations) than there are now.
- The government gave the Ministry of Energy and Water 0.5% of all the money it spends in 2005 (before Siniora came to power it was 1.1%).
- The government gives the National Lottery 0.7% of all the money it spends.
> The government gives the National Lottery 0.7% of all the money it spends
That's crazy ... I can guaranty that the lottery is a cash cow that bring money to the government.
I don't about the rest of your facts but this one does not make any sense and is definetely wrong
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:23 pm