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Monday, October 23, 2006 

New charges against Michel Kilo

Reform campaigner Michel Kilo has had new charges filed against him, according to his wife.

Sources said he was going to be released on Friday night. Bail was paid, and the documents were submitted.

Now, this shock has set the whole process back. It obviously shows a bitter fight at the heart of Government.

Kilo was one of a dozen activists arrested in May when they called for the Syrian Government to give more respect to the March 14 Hariri movement in the Lebanese government.

They also called for more reform in Syria.

All of the other people (apart from one) have now been released.

Awful news

that's great..keep the good work, Syria!

People like Kilo are just as bad as the officials. What makes us think that he is any better? He is not working for the good of Syria, he is serving his own interests. He gets close to politicians for personal gain, just like every other filthy corrupt politician and businessman. Kilo is the worst of all evils: a politician, and a Damascene businessman. He knows nothing about what real Syrians want, if he did, maybe he would give up his huge house and Mercedes and live in poverty. Prison will do him good.

To the last "anonymous",

The "charges" that you are pressing against Kilo are not a reason to send anyone to prison. You have not given any evidence that he is corrupt.

Also, since when did "Damascene businessman" in itself become a crime? And how do you judge who is a "real Syrian" and who isn't?

Far be it from me to endorse everything Michel Kilo says and does, but the man does not deserve prison for expressing his opinion, however much you disagree with it.

"Deserving prison" is something that only an independent judge can pronounce, unless you have solid facts. Since you don't seem to have any facts, may I suggest that you are choosing the wrong Mercedes?!!!!

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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