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Thursday, October 19, 2006 

Bush's top adviser: talk to Syria

President Bush's father was also President of the United States of America. He had a Secretary of State called James Baker. The current President George W Bush sent him to Iraq to find a way out of this mess.

Baker's reply: you have got to talk to Syria. This is not some fuzzy liberal or anti-war campaigner. This is a man picked by Bush, a man trusted by Bush.

The plan is set to be revealed after the November mid-term elections in the US. We can only hope - and expect - that Bush takes his advice.

Is Syria coming in from the cold?

My advise to president Bush ,
1:Get Israel beck to 1967 border
2:get the Palestinians their state in the west bank and Gaza and give the rights to the Palestinian refugees to return to the Palestinian state as stated above or get compesations ,Palestinians in the Arab countries will stay there but these states will get investments and developments and prefential treatment by the US ,
3:Syria will get the Golan hights for a full peace treaty with Israel ,so does Lebanon and the Palestinians ,In return the US will have a militery base on the Golan which will be disarmed ,the US will pay Syria for the use of the militery base
4: now with peace with Israel Syria will put all efforts and militery might with the help of the US to stabelize Iraq even if Syria has to do in Iraq what it did in Lebanon,actualy Syria,s experience in Lebanon can come handy in Iraq,The US will withdrow from the cities as a first step toward withdrowel and most the work to crush Alqaida will be on the of the Syrian and Iraqi armies ,in return Iraq will be kept together and with the US leaving withUS help Syria will have good position to calm Iraq.

I doubt that President Bush has such a forsight to save the US and it,s people .I hope i am wromg.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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