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Wednesday, October 04, 2006 

Former world leaders call for Israel-Syria peace talks

135 of the world's elder statesmen, including Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet president, Jimmy Carter, the former US president, and Desmond Tutu, the South Africa's Archbishop have called for a broad dialogue in the Arab World.

They want the Quartet (the US, UN, EU and Russia) to bring about talks between Israel and Syria, something Israel has been avoiding, despite growing calls inside Israel for a new approach.

The 135 signatories include many former presidents and prime ministers and seven Nobel laureates.

Syria has repeatedly offered to restart peace talks with Israel since negotations broke down in 2000. Israel has flatly rejected every single approach.

It is sad that world leaders do not get wise untill they are out of power and can not influance events ,they should be asertive earlier.

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