Deadline: Mehlis demands answers - will Syria accept Vienna?
Detlev Mehlis has set today as the deadline for a Syrian response to his Veinna proposal.
Syria was angry that he wanted to conduct the interrogations of 6 top Syrian officials in Beirut, they suggested a third country - including Vienna, Austria. Mehlis finally agreed under pressure from other parts of the UN and Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, who said he didn't want the interrogations in his country.
But inexplicably, Syria STILL hasn't accepted Mehlis's offer. It's what they've been demanding, it's the perfect solution, so why no response?
Syria should declare victory and agree to Viena and see what happens.
Posted by
norman |
4:39 pm
Syria agreed to let 5 Syrians to be intervewd in Viena.i thought they were 6!.
Posted by
norman |
6:18 pm