Syrians show unhappiness with Bashar's speech
The value of the Syrian Lira has fallen dramatically since Bashar's 10 November speech.
It was his most defiant and non-concilliatory speech since he became President. He said Syria would resist, and would co-operate with the UN grudgingly, and called Lebanese PM a 'slave'. Many commentators think he was preparing the country for sanctions.
So there has been a massive and sudden exodous of Syrian money out of the country. That forced the value of the Lira down.
Syrians should know that no matter what Syria does they are planing to force syria into submition on Iraq lebanon and palestine and that no syrian will axcept,he did not have a choice his defined speach will force the west to retreat as the president Bush it trying to justify the last war and the Anerican are not ready for another fiasco ,the EU know that economic sanction although will affect Syria but will affect Lebanon,iraq and Joprdan more,the syrian pound will rebound when it is clear that cooperation with Syria is the only way out for the return of the Golan hightsnot less.
Posted by
norman |
6:43 pm