Massive funeral in Aleppo for Hollywood producer
Moustapha Akkad, the legendary producer killed in the Amman bombs, was given a huge funeral in Aleppo today.
He's best known in the West for producing the 'halloween' horror movies. But in the Arab World, he's best known for a film about the Prophet, called 'The Message', and one about a leader of the Libyan resistance movement against the Italian occupation. Both starred Anthony Quinn.
President Bashar Al-Assad awarded 70 year old Akkad one of Syria's top medals for his 'Arab nationalist stances'.
It shame that we do not hear about these famous Syrians untill they are gone ,It would be a good idea to present on this website famous syrians and their work and ask them to comment on Syrian,s rule in the west and their advise to other Syrians in the west on how to make a differnce and help thheir fellow Syrians and syria.
Posted by
norman |
4:10 am
syria has lost his elite because no one proud syrian jaelous for his dignity is able to live under the moukhabarat law.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:03 am
Akkad left Syria in the fifties befor the baath party came to office most people who left syria did so fo economic not political reasons so economid reform where everybody is equal under the law is syria,s road to better future.
Posted by
norman |
3:28 pm
norman ,no improvment without the excision of this cancer from syria's body.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:46 am
I'm a third generation american of syrian descent. I'm also support the president and pray he gets a chance to arrest the planner of the bombs.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:17 am
I am very disappointed that no syrin outside the country wrote about their achievment Sasa may be you should take the leads and find these Syrians and write about them ,may be we should ask the ambasadores of Syria to give us some hints,by the way i love your blog makes me cofortable.
Posted by
norman |
3:53 am
look at surian ambasador to the us web site for famous syrian artest
Posted by
norman |
3:47 am
Mr akaad and Ghazi kannan were close friends. very close almost as if they were brothers,you do the math.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:09 am
I left Homs on 15 april 1962 to Canada for economic reasons three of my children were born in Homs,four born in Canada.I am going back to Syria for a vist I miss Syria very much and miss my family in Homs
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:30 am