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Thursday, February 08, 2007 

Israel attacks Lebanese army

Israel and Lebanese soldiers have exchanged fire across the international border.

It comes after Israel spoiled for a fight - Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz today announced his army was preparing for a new war of agression.

And today Israel 'found' bombs near the border. Hizbollah says they were planted before last summer's war.

Now, Israel has attacked Lebanese troops. This time, the soldiers returned fire - they were ordered not to during the summer war.

If it had been Israel and Hizbollah exchanging fire, I have no doubt who some Lebanese commentators would blame. Let's see who the March 14 rabble point the finger at this time.

This is going to be interesting.

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I came to this site hoping for an independent, truthful Arab voice. But you're just as much of a PRPOGANDIST BULLSHITTER as your loveable dictator is.

I love you too. Who are you oh anonymous one?

Israel, Lebanon, syria, palastine....same people under different flags. Instead of carrying your flags, It's deep in each ones butt. Grow up, and live in peace, if you are a true believer in one God.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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