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Thursday, September 07, 2006 

Lebanon post-war body count

Just because the war is over, it doesn't mean people in Lebanon aren't dying. Israel has blood on its hands, and it can't wash it off with the fig leaf of a ceasefire.

13 civilians have died in Lebanon since fighting ended - they were killed by cluster bombs. Israel dropped almost a million of the flying land-mines in civilian areas in the miniutes before the ceasefire came into force. Israel knew what it was doing - it was sewing the seeds for the continued death and maiming after the ceasefire started.

Israel's practice of dropping cluster bombs in civilian areas is illegal under international law and has been condemned by the UN as "completely immoral".

UN peacekeepers have ALREADY found 100,000 of the deadly devices in Southern Lebanon. 2 soldiers died trying to remove them.

How many more people of peace will Israel kill in Lebanon?

Do you still think that the Arabs can have peace with a country like this ,Racist one.

I wonder if you stop crying someday..
Where was your true when hezballa attacked Israel?

Listen and remember: if you start war with Israel you know only how it starts but we will decide when it will be finish.

You can pass it to your ridiculous president

Btw, if you want to see the Golan Heights you better buy a satellite.

It’s the only way that you will see this part of Israel..

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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