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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 

Syria supplied weapons to the Lebanese Army to fight Fateh Al Islam

ANB has revealed that Syria has been supplying weapons to the Lebanese Army.

Their aim was to support the fight against Fateh Al Islam. The leader of Fateh Al Islam was on the run from Syrian forces, and set up the organisation because he was angry about Syrian support for a different group, called Fateh Al Intifada.

At the beginning of Lebanon's fight against Fateh Al Islam, the government was blaming Syria.

But suddenly, mid-way through the conflict, the government and army stopped fingering Syria, and switched their attention to Al Qaeda. Even bombings in Beirut were blamed on Al Qaeda, rather than Syria.

Could that significant change of direction have happened at exactly the same time weapons started coming across the border?

I would not have my hopes high.

This is the biggest load of garbage...

If Syria were so worried about Fatah al-Islam, why did they release the leader of FEI after spending 3-4 years in prison for terrorism charges, and HE was also wanted for murdering an american diplomat in Jordan.

A load of CODSWALLOP......

FEI is and will always be a product of Syria...

That's funny! Why did Lebanon let him run free for 3 years. He must be a product of Lebanon. Hahahahaha.

I guess it was ok when he was anti-Syrian!

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