Lebanese Army: Fateh Al Islam is not connected to Syria
The head of the Lebanese Army has categorically ruled out any connections between Fateh Al Islam and Syria.
The Army is currently fighting the group in Nahr Al Bared.
General Michel Suleiman also denies the group has links with the Hariri government:
"[Fateh Al Islam] is not sponsored by Syrian intelligence, nor it is backed by Lebanese government circles. It is a branch for al-Qaida which had been planning to use Lebanon and Palestinian camps as safe haven to launch its operations in Lebanon and abroad."
In recent months, many government figures have stopped accusing Syria of supporting Fateh Al Islam, since it became clear most of the members are Saudi. The government has also started blaming Al Qaeda - and not Syria - for the bomb attacks on Beirut.
in yo face!!
this is allll saudi work!! KING ABDULLAH written ALL OVER IT!!
not only is he rich.. he is a terrorist!! and bush is his poodle!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 pm
you mean King Abdullah is the poodle.. hey. its not easy being a poodle. Look at Tony Blair.
But can assure you. Those Lebanese pointing the finger at Al'Qaida will be accused and dismissed by zionist Lebanese elements for being Syrian agents. Its a no win situation. If only they would recognise the danger that safawi extremist groups pose. People need to start barking at the right tree for once!
Posted by
Samer Sawwas |
12:30 pm