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Monday, August 06, 2007 

Aoun claims election win - Gemayel refuses to concede defeat

Aoun claims he has won the Metn by-election by around 4000 votes - according to information he received from the Interior Ministry.

Gemayel has refused to concede defeat, demanding a new vote, being the democrat that he is. He slammed Aoun voters as "newcomers", a racist reference to the Armenians who backed Aoun.

Walid Junblatt, laughing at the outlandishness of his own statement said the win for Aoun would be the start of a new civil war.

Gemayel's personal defeat in this election for a single parliamentary seat virtually rules him out of winning the presidency. If he has indeed won the seat, it will be by such a narrow margin that it will seriously damage his presidential campaign. Don't forget - he wasn't competing directly against Aoun, but by an Aoun party member.

In the battle between Gemayel and Aoun-party member, Gemayel has on this day ended his facist dynasty forever. And although Aoun will always be remembered as the arrogant warmonger that extended the civil war by a year, the hammering of the Phalange Party is something to celebrate.

Choosing between blood-thirsty former Prime Minister who thought he was President - and - war-leader former President who signed a peace treaty with Israel. Tough choice.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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