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Monday, April 30, 2007 

Well done BBC

Well done to the BBC for this sentence:

"About 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers, were killed in the conflict."

It avoids the usual fog of "the conflict which killed more than 1,000 people". It highlights the asymmetry of the conflict in two ways: many, many more Lebanese died than Israelis. And most Israelis who died were militants, and most Lebanese who died were innocents.

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i agree..
am impressed..

Maybe If ASSAD fought the war himself instead of using Shebaa Farms and HEZBOLLAH as a proxy to get back the Golan heights, then there would have been NO innocent Lebanese dead.

But then what do you expect from a gutless coward.

Israel has proved time and time again that they consider their lives are worth more than ours ,
The only languege Israel understands is force , they have to feel the pain to seek peace ,Untill then the Arabs are dreaming about peace.
we should all remember that rights are taken not given especialy when we are dealing with a racist entity like Israel.

I have to agree. Israel only exists because of power and force, not legitimacy. This existence is not only in it's existence as a state, but in the very idea of an Israeli "people". This idea would not survive without force.

The Arab countries are infinitely weaker conventionally than many of their neighbours, that does not trigger an exodus of Arabs to Europe. If Israel were as weak viz. the Arabs as the Arabs are now viz. Israel, there would be a flood of people back to Europe and America. That ultimately for me, would tell me who feels this land is their's, and who doesn't.

Anonymous...speaking of gutless cowards, did the Israeli soldiers ask you for one or two sugars for their tea?


That's a very interesting point you make about a link between who would flee and who feels the land is theirs.

But what would you say to those who argue that just shows Arabs are more militant and don't value life as much?


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