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Saturday, April 07, 2007 

Ajjan on the Axis of Evil

...and why Syria isn't part of it. The Allepine Elephant stomps all over ignorance once again.

Bush has never said Syria is part of the Axis of Evil, neither have any of his spokesmen. So who's making the mistake?

Essential reading for the terminologically challenged.

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he was once a senate candidate for the republicans in the US.. what do o you expect when someone like that writes?

Actually, I was once a candidate for the House of Representatives, not the Senate.

Anyway, thanks S for the link and the post.

I have repeatedly mentioned on my blog that although many, including me, often disagree with the President's policies, the staff of his Administration tend to be quite professional and avoid rabble-rousing in their statements. John Bolton and Donald Rumsfeld are 2 notable exceptions. They're both gone now.

Frankly, with all due respect to AJJAN, in the eyes of the Lebanese people, the Syrian regime is nothing but scum, vermin and evil.

Assad is just an arrogant CRUD...

^ And in the eyes of all the other Arabs, many of the Lebanese people are not worth the **** that comes out of a horse's ass, and this is coming from a Lebanese person. It is well-known that the Lebanese people are the dumbest in the Middle East.

The Economist said that Syria is moving ahead because of Asad's intelegence and the stupidities of his enemies.

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