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Tuesday, April 24, 2007 


I'm sleeping, don't wake me up.

Photos: John Wreford.

"There was little drama about the outcome. Pre-election horse-trading and backroom alliances meant that nine of the 19 seats were uncontested, and there was little real opposition ... for control of the rest. Outside polling stations, voters were handed small squares of paper with [a] political list written on them, making voting as easy as stuffing the pre-printed ballots into brown envelopes ready for the ballot box."

Hariri won that election.


sasa why hariri ?,syria is now more democratic than sweden...

wlak bil roh bil dam ya ....

what has HARIRI got to do with Syrian elections(which are a complete farce), YOU DINGBAT!!!!!!

Syria more democratic than sweden?

yeah if thats the case, then the pope is muslim...

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