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Friday, April 21, 2006 

Siniora tells Bush: Israel is occupying our Shebaa Farms ... Bush tells Siniora: Syria is occupying your Shebaa Farms

Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has, for once, flexed his muscles and tried to get something out of his ally George W. Bush. He has, for once, tried to achieve something for his country.

He asked Bush to pressure Israel to get out of the Lebanese Shebaa Farms. But the US and UN say that the land is Syrian. So Bush's response was that he should talk to Syria, not Israel.

The UN has stated that the land is on Syrian territory but they've also said that Syria and Lebanon are free to set their borders between them wherever they like. Only that would set out once and for all that the Shebaa is in Lebanon not Syria. And then how would Bush respond?

Lebanon's demands:

Fouad Siniora: "It is incumbent upon Israel to withdraw from [Shebaa], hand over the Lebanese detainees in its prisons, submit the maps of the landmines it left in the South, and stop its infringements on Lebanese sovereignty."

Yama 7an shuf :) .we shall see how he will respond he he he

Untill the golan hights returns to Syria Lebanon should stop talking about the Shabaa farms and untill Israel has a full peace treaty with Syria ,Lebanon and the Palestenians Hizballa should never disarm,Israel would be smart to acheive a peace treaty with Syria Lebanon and the Palestenians collectivly and at the same time before Iran become stronge enough to block a deal,but i wounder if they are that smart or foresighted.

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