Is Bashar about to agree to be interviewed by the UN?
The UN confirmed that they received a reply to the request to interview Foreign Minister Farouq Ash-Sharaa and President Bashar Al-Assad. That reply confirmed that Syria is willing to let the UN meet Sharaa. There was no mention of Bashar.
Days later Bashar told an Egyptian newspaper that allowing the UN to interview him would 'violate Syria's sovereignty'.
On Sunday the Saudi Foreign Minister - a close friend of Lebanon - unexpectedly arrived in Damascus, and took Bashar to meet King Abdullah in Jeddah.
After the talks the two countries issued a joint statement saying that Syrian-Lebanese ties need to be stregthened - typical Arab League padding. But the real crunch came in comments made by Bashar. He would let meet the UN 'if there is a legal basis for the interview'.
This sounds very much like a face saving way for Bashar to meet the UN.
I do not know why Bashar trusts the Saudies and the Egyptian ,doesn,t he remember that egypt left Syria after 1973 war and Saudi arabia did not help Syria or Lebanon in the eghties during the israeli occupation.they are trying to trap him ,I hope i am wrong.
Posted by
norman |
3:56 am
We know that Egypt and Saudi Arabia work for America. I am sure Bashar knows this as well. He may have something up his sleave...
In other news, I heard about a Morrocan man who can supposedly see the future. Apparently, he has fortold many things that have come true, as in what would happen to Ariel Sharon this year. He also said that it will be proven that Syria did not kill bastard, Hariri. Hopefully, this will be all true.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:35 am
Syria, and certainly the President, did not kill Hariri. Have we never gotten very angry at someone, even threatened the person without going as far as killing ?
Bashar should receive someone from the UN here in Damascus on his ground, give his testimony and halas.
Refusing is interpreted as self incrimination.
Posted by
annie |
10:12 pm
In the US the suspect does not have to cooperate with the police or the prosecuters,In Colorado girl who was i beleive 6 or 7 years old was killed the police intended to frame her parents who had good lawers and refused to meet the police and asked the police to indite them if they had enough evidence they did not ,Syria is in simmiler place where the UN and the US are intended to blame Syria if Bashar meets with them or not,so let them have the evidence and indite Syria if they have enough evidence Syrians should have the same rights as all American against self incrimenation,Called the fourth amentment. I want to add somyhing people with deplomatic emunity could kill in a forign country and still leave to his country were he could prosecuted if his country decides to prosecute but apparently with Syria all international law proceedings are not aplicable,how can Syria trust the UN,US,Saudi ,Egypt and france.
Posted by
norman |
6:17 am
Yes, but this is not the US, this is an international matter, so international law applies. And international law says (as per the UN resolution) that Syria's cooperation should be unconditional.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:36 am
It all depends what is meant by "Syrian" cooperation; does it extend to the President ?
Anyway, the sooner the real culprits are found, tried and punished the better, even should they be Syrians.
When I said above that I do not believe Syria did it, I did not mean that some corrupt Syrians could not be involved.
But honnestly, I feel lost in this complicated chess game.
Posted by
annie |
9:29 am
Well as Vox said, the conclusions of the UN commission won't budge, and whatever Bashar says he won't change the global picture.
I expect that there's Syrian Mukhabar involvement in the assassination at some level, but I guess that it's about political game between Bashar and the western powers, not about justice. My point is that the Syrians shouldn't pay for the stupid policies done by a government they didn't chose.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:37 am
Israel will not allow regime change at this time, given the current circumnstances (Sharon, Iran). It has no clue who the next contender is, Khaddam is on its blacklist (and the US'), and befor back channels and agreements are established with the next regime it will not risk any change.
American Scenario: Let the Syrian regime stew on easy fire until the opposition and general public is prepared.
This serves two purposes, give the Baathists a hope and time to make some unheard of reforms, paving the way for the next regime.
Giving interested parties enough time to assess contenders and support them enough to be able to take power smoothly, after the regime has been weakened enough. Remember, if Assad decides to have elections, Baathists will have no jobs other than teaching (since they are good in sermons) and maybe driving cabs.
I don't see no change happening in the first half of 2006.
My opinion was different three days ago, I gave the regime about 3 more months, but now given my intelligence report, I see a deal in the making...unfortunately.
Saudi Arabia ( and Egypt)is now scared that reform and democratisation is becoming a trend in the Middle East, awakening Arabs from the Ocean to the Gulf, threatening its own monarchy.. Democratic awakening is a concern that the Kingdome has expressed to the US. A concern so serious that it prompted the King to interfere personally to save the Syrian regime.
God bless America, and its messed up foreign policy.
Posted by
O.D.M |
9:43 pm
Syria should move the investigation to the international court were international law not politecs will rule ,but i do not know if the US or the UN will not agree as that will stand in the way of blaming Syria and destroying it,s secular system of goverment.
Posted by
norman |
4:40 am
U.S. State Department made a statemet on Syria and the Hariri investiagtion today:
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:18 pm