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Saturday, September 03, 2005 

Raid on Hama militants - 5 dead

The latest photo from the scene of yesterday's raid on a militant hideout. The five Jund Ash-Sham members - linked to Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Al-Qaida's leader in Iraq - were planning to attack Damascus.

thank god the syrian goverment is allert and fast to act not like other arab and non arab state who talk the talk but do not walk the walk in fighting terror,naim

The Ba'aathists should start to feel scared! Their fossilized political ideology and bankrupt slogans are details of history! They have neither delivered Arab unity nor freedom for Palestine and its long suffering people! People should ask themselves why the youth are getting attracted to the extremists because they see the daily killings and humiliation of innocent and ordinry people in Palestine, Iraq etc. Frankly the Arab political parties and regimes are just there to enrich themselves and their relations, friends and supporters and don't care about anybody else!
Things can't go on as they are. Sooner or late the pressure that has built up in Arab socities in the last few decades will have to give! The change can be sudden and violent with a backlash against the ruling elite or gradual and civilised which is preferable!

Let us overthrow the secularists and the murtad! Long live the inquilab that will bring a new order in the blessed land of Shaam!

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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