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Friday, July 08, 2005 

New train line for Damascus

A new train line will link Damascus Airport with the city. The $54 million project will be carried out by a Lebanese company. In recent weeks, it was feared that the economic relationship between the two countires had been harmed by the military pullout - Lebanese trucks were forced to wait at the border for days.

For years the only train out of Damascus has been a tourist route up into the mountains of Zabadani. But the new line will be an active artery. The only public transport from the airport is a slow bus, or expensive taxis costing $10 (an average journey within the city costs 50 US Cents).

don't understand this - there are regular trains from damascus (midan station) to the coast (tartus/lattaqiya), aleppo, dayr al-zor, even qamishli, and the hawran, as well as a train to amman & one to istanbul... the last one of which i took... do you not count midan station as "damascus"? in that case, yes, there's only the "zabadani flyer" which only runs in summer...

--sebastian d'arfourt

After what Lebanon did to syria i do not think syria should give any contract to Lebanese companies ,construction in syria should be done by Syrian companies with forign expertise and should be paied in syrian money and depsited in syrian banks insured by the syrian goverment.,naim /USA

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