Iraqi Government: Syria stopping fighters crossing, Embassy could open within a week
Syria has stopped 70,000 fighters crossing into Iraq, according to Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister Hamed Al-Bayati.
He said that progress is being made: Iraq, and the US Occupation authorities have repeatedly blamed Syria for not doing enough to halt the flow of fighters across the border. Until recently Syria denied there was a problem.
The Iraqi government have supported Syria's wish to open an embassy in Baghdad, saying that the only problem was finding a secure site. Once that problem is overcome, an embassy could be open within a week, according to Al-Bayati.
How about in the Green Zone? (Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Embassy in Damascus was opposite the US Embassy in Damascus - a source of much amusement for the Syrian police protecting the American Embassy ... peacekeepers?)
wow ,I wonder what made the iraqi gov see the light and change their acusations because i am sure Syria did stop 70000 from entering iraq in the last two weeks,we hope for the best relation between thes two brotherly countries ,i still remember when syria and iraq tried to have aunion in the seventies the Gulf state went on allert and established the gulf copertive conucel as they feared a strong Arab union ,i hope the new freindship between syria and iraq will not anybody to sabatage it naim.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:33 am
Do you really think that friendship is possible between an independant country like Syria and a puppet government like the Iraqi one?
A non aggressive relationship imho is about all that can be hoped for.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:18 am
stability of araq is of syrias interest saftty of the iraqi people is always syria,s goal,syria never looks at the goverments of other arab countries and how good they are but always looks after the people of these countries as they were syrians.naim
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:53 am
As a citizen of Algeria , it breaks my heart to see Syria being hounded by the Americans while the Arab League and the coward leaders watch .. I wish they had the .... to speak out and pressure America their best friend , to use Diplomacy rather than threats . but they dont have the .... they are cowards , they do rather stick to their power and palaces . Gone the times when Arabs stood for justice even if they had to sacrifice their blood, for the benefit of future Generations (Algerian fighters fighting France , Libyan Fighters with Al Mukhtar , et...) now we have cowards leading us and oppressing us . while watching America and israel rub their hands in glee while syria is threatened.
I , offer my Syrian Brothers and sisters my deepest apologizies through this site . I wish i could help but im sure the Brave syrians will fight the American empirialists. they are no sitting ducks , i know the syrians will fight like men . I hope they wont allow American turn Damascus like Baghdad inshallah .
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:02 pm