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Saturday, July 30, 2005 

Aoun's party seeks the return of the Israeli collaborators

Hundreds of Lebanese warlords of the 'South Lebanon Army', an Israeli proxy, could return to the country they terrorised for 20 years.

The SLA was made up of members of Aoun's party and Samir Jaja's party. Parliament recently granted an amnesty to Jaja, and now Aoun wants that to be extended to SLA fighters.

The SLA slaughtered its own people, under the orders of Israel which was occupying the south of Lebanon. They were responsible for the slaughter of thousands of innocent women and children in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla in Beirut. Guards closed the gates, while milita-men shot down anything that moved.

Not surprisingly, the SLA sought refuge in Israel after the end of the Israeli occupation in 2000. Many were given villas with pools by the Israeli regime.

Astonishingly Ibrahim Keenan, an MP for Aoun's FPM, said Lebanon had "abandoned" the SLA.

Right-wing extremist MP and editor of An-Nahar newspaper Jubran Tuweini - who represents Hariri's party - also called for the return of the collaborators. But his reasons were different. He was ashamed, he said, that Israel - an "enemy state" - was considering giving these exiles Israeli citizenship.

MP Walid Edo said that the exiles should be allowed to return. And should swiftly face prosecution in Lebanon for their crimes.

A heated row broke out in Parliament when he accused Hizbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah of calling for the slaughter of the Israeli collaborators, who helped keep Lebanon under occupation for two decades. A Hizbollah MP vehimently denied the accusation and asked for evidence. Keenan said that a guest on a Lebanese chat show said so!

Meanwhile, MP George Adwan, a member of Samir Jaja's outlawed Lebanon Forces, called for March 14th to be declared a national holiday.

Two things. First, what was March 14th?

Second, you should enable email on your blog so that I can send this post to a friend. Thanks.


Hi Oscar,

March 14th was the day of the huge opposition demonstration in Beirut - one month after the death of rafiq Al-Hariri.

Second, I'm not sure how to enable email - let me know.

Oh yes, I remember. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

Go under settings; under "basics" it towards the end of the page: email posts". Select "yes" and you're off.

Done! Thanks Oscar. You can now email any post.

Thanks! I did.

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