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Wednesday, August 08, 2007 

Iraqi refugees in Jordan will be allowed to go to school

Jordan has ended its discriminatory policy, and allowed Iraqi refugee children to go to school.

Until now, only rich families could send their youngsters to school, by paying.

It means they will have similar rights to refugees in Syria - Iraqis in Syria get free schooling and healthcare.

There are an estimate 1.2 million in Syria, and 750,000 in Jordan. None of Iraq's other neighbours allow refugees in (Kuwait, Saudi, Iran and Turkey).

sasa, number of iraqis in syria, is according to most sources i read, was more than 2millions.

Hi Yazan,

The UNHCR says there are about 2 million Iraqi refugees in Syria and Jordan - but that's the total figure.

They say the current figure in Syria is 1.2 to 1.4 million, have a look here http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L06413940.htm

or here




u might wanna take a look at this. I am still in disbelief.


The link didn't work, could you post it again.



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