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Monday, April 16, 2007 

Israel says it is ready to start peace talks with Syria

An Israeli Minister says his country is ready to start negotiating with Syria.

Syria has repeatedly offered talks with Israel over the past seven years, but Israel has ignored every call.

When US Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Damascus and announced that Israel and Syria were ready to start peace talks, she was rebuked by Israel. Now, it seems, things have changed.

Israel's Minister for Immigration and Absorption Ze’ev Boim said that Israel is ready to start talks, and it seems he has dropped Israel's preconditions that Syria end support for what it calls terrorism (Hamas and Hizbollah). Instead, Boim only says that it would be useful if Syria didn't support Hizbollah: "In order to ensure a positive outcome of the talks with Israel, President Bashar al-Assad should stop arming Hezbollah, close HAMAS and Islamic Jihad headquarters in Damascus".

It is not clear whether his statement was a slip of the tongue, or whether he actually represents Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's views. Last year, Israel's Defence Minister and Foreign Minister publicly called for talks with Syria - Olmert said no.

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i saw the news in 2 different places, but i havent seen a link to the news source... I am still trying to find it though... Help?

Yazan , this is the article.
Israel ready for talks with Syria

16.04.2007, 18.26

MOSCOW, April 16 (Itar-Tass) -- Israel is ready to begin negotiations with Syria, Minister for Immigration and Absorption Ze’ev Boim said.

“In order to ensure a positive outcome of the talks with Israel, President Bashar al-Assad should stop arming Hezbollah, close HAMAS and Islamic Jihad headquarters in Damascus,” the minister said in Moscow on Monday.

In his view, “Syria and Iran pose a threat to moderate Arab counties”, among which he named Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

He said Israel will not tolerate Iran’s having nuclear weapons.

“Israel sees a threat emanating from Iran, and which is why whatever happens Israel will not tolerate the incumbent Iranian president’s having a nuclear bomb in his hands,” the minister said.

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this is your link


Norman got there before me! Thanks Norman. Hope you're well Yazan.

i dont understand!! why do lebanese people and syrian people struggle agains each other??
we as arabs have been lamed by all this fighting between each other since tens of years!
shia against sunna, christians against muslims, dictators against dictators! we have always fought against each others in the name of some religion, ideology or regime! why dont we look ovr these diversities as arabs and try to push our interests together?

thanx sasa, happy independence day.

come on syria...get it on with isreal, isreal will wipe you syrian guys off the planet this time around....The world is sick and tierd of the syrian dictator.. so i say comon syria get it one fools, and the world will be a safer place after that

Nice blog Sasa. I love how the idiot above me left a comment but not his name. The cowardice of anonymity. I am going to link your blog to my blog. I do wish all the Arabs would come together - regardless of Religion. Because of our division, people in power have played with us for years! Rock on! Peace!

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