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Tuesday, March 06, 2007 

Kilo trial delayed

Michel Kilo's trial has been delayed again.

He was due to be released in October, but that was changed at the last minute. It seems there is a battle at the heart of government between reformists and the old guard. Some obviously want him freed, others want him to stay in jail.

For those calling for him to be freed, the motives are clear - it is harming the Syrian government much more by keeping him locked up, than his writing could ever do.

And then there are those who want him to stay in jail - he can't write, and he can't leave the country. It's the only way, they think, to keep a lid on him.

Which side will win this tug of war? Only a trial will give a definitive answer. So it's easy to see why the trial date is being postponed, often at the last minute.

The new trial date is March 27.


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  • From Damascus, Syria
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