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Saturday, February 03, 2007 

Teaching hatred

Syrian schoolchildren are taught the language of war. Palestinian text books deny the existence of Israel. Iranian classroom maps say 'Occupied Palestine'. Common accusations from the enlightened West.

Arabs are often portrayed as forcing war down the throats of our children. But who is exposing youngsters to this tragedy? Arab parents and teachers, or the American soldiers and Israeli settlers illegally occupying Arab land?

It is often said that we shouldn't forget our history, so that we don't make the same mistakes again. It is even more difficult to ignore our present. If we do, nothing will change. Maybe that's what our enlightened friends want.

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in my opinion...you should stop saying stupid things, isn't it??It's not always other's fault..your people can't speak to Israeli people by law, islamic presidents say Israel should be removed from geographical map and who is guilty for you?America and Isarel!!!what??maybe it's your fault!!!you arab are so incredible sometimes...signed: an humble european boy

I should stop saying stupid things?

'Our people' have been offering peace talks with Israel for SIX YEARS. And Israel's response? No talk, just war.

I don't know where you are getting ridiculous phrases like "your people can't speak to Israeli people by law".

And can you recall Syria's President Bashar Al Assad calling for "Israel should be removed from geographical map". No? Because he didn't.

I suggest you read about Arabs and the difficulty millions of Arabs have of living under occupation before you rush to defend the colonialists.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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