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Monday, February 05, 2007 

Bashar talks to America - full interview on ABC News

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's given a long sit down interview with ABC's Good Morning America about Iraq. It is a rare event. Full video here.

Some quotes:
"We are the main player."

"What's the benefit of democracy if you're dead."

On the insurgents: "They have to stop looking for scapegoats and whipping boys...you can't stoke the fire because it will burn you." But Syria needs American and Iraqi help.

On intelliegence sharing: "We have to and we are willing to co-operate with the rest of the world on terrorism." (That answer followed this question: "Do you know where Osama bin Laden is?").

Who do you admire the most: "President Bush, the elder, and Clinton, because they had the will to achieve peace."

Diane Sawyer also has some interesting feature pieces:

Syria's young people talk about American stereotypes of their country: People ask if we live in tents and ride on camels, they think we all wear veils.

And find out what's on Bashar's iPod, if you care.

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