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Sunday, January 21, 2007 

Torture in Egypt

Every day there's more evidence of new cases of torture in Egypt.

The officially sanctioned attacks continue RIGHT NOW. And they've got to stop. Kifayah. Enough.

After Hamas win in Palestine the US changed it's stand toward democracy in Arab countries to only using that sloagan to presure countries opposed to it's policy in the midleast, i do not expct any change in contries freindly to the US encluding Egypt.

This is a "moderate" belly dancing regime similar to others such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia that the United States needs to do the dirty work for it. An al Jazeera journalist was arrested in an airport there trying to smuggle out cassettes and interviews with victims. She's been accused of trying to damage Egypts image. Ridiculous.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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