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Friday, June 23, 2006 

US diplomats show their support for Syria

American diplomats in Damascus have expressed their support for Syria, according to an American reporter who's just been to the capital.

What makes this story more interesting is that it comes from right-wing reporter Scott McConnell in the 'American Conservative' magazine.

Diplomats said, in private how much they like Syria. That runs contrary to official US policy - Bush withdrew his Ambassador last year.

"They loved being stationed in Damascus," according to McConnell, and are exasperated by official American policy.

McConnell was on a Churches tour of the region - he visited a church service in Bab Touma. And he expressed his concern that if Bush gets his way and removes Bashar, it would have "incalculably tragic consequences" for Syria's Christians.

The American diplomat's response? "He nodded with a look of weary resignation."

I do not know if scot mc connel is a neoconsivative bu i know that the american consevative magazine founded by Pat Buchanon is anti neoconservatives.actualy some time i think it is pro arab and anti israeli loby in the US.

Careful, SASA, Scott McConnell is anti-neocon as you can get.

Have a look here to get an idea of where he's coming from.

McConnell and "The American Conservative" broadly represent a perspective called "paleoconservative", which as the name suggests, is an opposite position to most neo-conservative policies.

Thanks Norman and George - corrected. I jumped into that one to quickly, it's easy to forget there is a healthy active conservative movement in the US that doesn't buy into the rhetoric of George Bush.

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