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Sunday, June 11, 2006 

Was Zarqawi behind the terrorism inside Syria?

Jordanian intelligence officials have been telling the New York Times that Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi recruited about 300 fighters in Iraq to join his global terrorist movement.

The 300 foreigners were sent back to their home countries to await further orders.

Zarqawi was killed in Iraq last week.

It has long been thought that the terrorist attacks in Syria over the past couple of years have been by 'takfiris' - Sunnis who believe everyone else are infidels. It's also clear that Jund Ash-Sham - the group responsible for much of the trouble - has clear links to Zarqawi.

US intelligence officials confirmed they were tracking Zarqawi followers from Iraq to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other coutnries - but they don't think there are as many as 300 fighters on the loose.

This suggests Zarqawi was trying to set up a global terrorist movement to rival Osama bin Laden's. But oen final thing - don't forget where this information has come from: Jordanian and US intelligence. That should raise some questions.

Oh yeah, because Syrian intelligence is so much more credible than Jordanian and US intelligence.

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