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Monday, January 02, 2006 

UN summons Bashar Al-Assad for interrogation

UN investigators studying the Hariri killing have demanded to meet Bashar Al-Assad.

The inquiry's demand - which was led by Detlev Mehlis - comes just days after former Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam made an extraordinary statement from Paris that Bashar threatened Hariri.

The UN say they've already submitted the request to Syria, but Syria says they only know about it from reports on TV.

"We asked to interview Assad, [Foreign Minister Farouq] Shara and others. We are awaiting an answer [from Syria]," UN inquiry spokeswoman Nasrat Hassan said. She also said they want to meet Khaddam as soon as possible.

The UN previously demanded 5 top Syrian officials meet investigators. Syria made its own demands, and then said yes on the day of the deadline. It is unclear whether the UN will again demand that the witnesses are interviewed in Beirut.

Expect much brinkmanship.

Sasa, I am a lebanese who loves your country and your people. I am sick of the humiliations the UN commission is inflicting on your people on behalf of Hariri corrupted lebanese and arabs and on behalf of the israeli-neocon project for the new middle east. But the fact that one of your people (Khaddam) stands in all of this to accuse your president at a moment the UN inquiry was in limbo is, in my opinion, a manifestation of the corruption at high levels that was going on and still going on in Syria and which is hindering the country's efforts, and I think, Bashar's efforts, toward peace and development. Khaddam happens to be the symbol of high level corruption in the Baath apparatus and one that may have little monster babies ready to sell their soul for a fistful of dollars (in the case of Khaddam it is for much more)!
Syrian people don't deserve this !

The story as i see it is that Syria (president Asad) threatend Harreri with death if he does not agree to help in extending Lahood presidency ,so Harreri lead the move to extend Lahood term so Harreri did what Syria wanted so why would they kill him the people who killed Harreri are the ones who got mad at Harreri for helping Syria ,LOOK FOR JUMBLAT.that makes more sence.

Great one, man I am keeping reference of those comments of yours they are priceless!

First Jeajea killed tweini, now Jumblat killed Hariri.

Keep em comin' buddy, keep'em comin!


On ne prête qu'aux riches ou comme on connaît ses saints, on les honore

annie ,i wish i knew french but i do not can you please write in english or Arabic.and for you Anon i am glad i am thinking ,one of us at least should and i am sure that is not you .


annie, very well said but it's a 2 way street, that's EXACTLY why most of the lebanese accuse syria of killing Hariri and Tweini and Kassir ...

norman, by all means keep "thinking" one of us need to entertain on this blog with his thinking, and as you said, that sure isn't me.

As for kicking me out, come on man where is your syrian hospitality, walaw!

All I did is enjoy the -good- joke you made. And they say humor is dead on the internet!

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  • Written by sasa
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