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Saturday, October 01, 2005 

Rifaat to return

The butcher of Hama, Rifaat Al-Assad is planning a return.

Bashar's uncle, who was kicked out of the country a decade ago is said to be planning his return. He was responsible for the Hama massacre which killed 20,000 people in 1982.

Soon after the massacre his brother, President Hafez Al-Assad went to hospital. Rifaat spread rumours that Hafez was on his death bed, and Rifaats militias took to the streets of Damascus to ferment a coup.

He failed. Hafez came out of hospital and threw him out of the country. He was let back in in the 1990s, but caused trouble again and was kicked out for a second time.

Since his exile, he has lived in Spain, and his son has run anti-Bashar propoganda station, the 'Arab News Network' (ANN).

Now, he is said to have met close associates of Bush, as well as conjuring up Mohammed Saddiq - the Syrian 'witness' who said that he defected from Syria with proof that Syria was behind the Hariri murder.

The US's former head of anti-terrorism, Yossef Bodansky, announced Rifaat as Syria's next President earlier this week.

It could be political posturing, and a way of upping the pressure on Damascus. But more likely, it'll show that the US is more interested in exapanding its control - even if it means using warlords like Rifaat - than spreading democracy.

Rifaat has gained dubious support. From Faird Ghadry - the Washington based 'opposition' leader unknown in Syria. He said "If Rifaat Assad wants to help Syria and wants to be part of a democratic process then let him say so."

May the US, and Rifaat al-assad all burn in hell. The butcher of Hama needs to be butchered, along with ALL US and Israeli government members.

No doubt the Americans will be their usual stupid selves and believe that "The US and Rifaat want to help Syria!." They are the STUPIDEST people on earth.

The antiterrorism chief "announced" him as the next president?! Who does he think he is? That is ABSURD! Do you have an article quoting him saying that?

I really do hope that Rifaat returns to Syria. I hope that when his plane lands, and he's exiting the airport, he's arrested and charged with crimes against humanity and locked up forever.

If what you report about American support for Rifaat is true... God only knows.

Yes, Yossef Bodansky was talking on the John Batchelor program on ABC Radio.

He said that Rifaat that his "enjoyed support from America and Saudi Arabia as the heir apparent to the crumbling Baathist regime in Damascus."

An enemy like refaat asad will increase the love for Bashar and his goverment,naim

Are these men and the current president the best that the great state of Syria can produce. In response to the "Canadian", what the heck are you doing in Canada? It seems to me that you should reside among the wisest and most restricted people in your ? country. I am quite aware that I said Canada whose people are quite similar to that of America.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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