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Tuesday, September 27, 2005 

Lebanon's Defence Minister living in Switzerland because Lebanon is too dangerous

Lebanon's Defence Minister Michel Murr is seeking refuge in Switzerland because the security situation in Lebanon is so bad.

The astonishing revelation will raise question marks over his role - he is the man in charge of the country's security, yet even he doesn't feel safe in Lebanon.

He said that he has not been back to the country where he is a government minister since July.

This is so sad, its funny....

This man should be received from his post forthwith by a vote of no-confidence in the Lebanese parliament if the Lebanon has trully become as democratic as it has supposed to!


The defense minister is Elias El Murr, not Michel El Murr.
The Picture that you posted is Michel's picture (Elias' father who is only an MP).
Elias is in Geneva for medical treatment after the assassination attempt.

As far as your opinion, ahh.. why bother?

That's what i thought! I have written about Elias before - when he was attacked. But Association France Presse (AFP) are saying that the defence minister is Michel - not Elias Murr.

By the way - the statements about Murr staying in Switzerland because Lebanon is too dangerous were not 'my opinion' but comments in an interview.

That's why it is all the more powerful - it's not very interesting if I just assume that's why he's left the country.

"He said".

Thank you.

This guy is such an ass. His family has a history of corruption and mafioso practices. We were wishing that the new gouvernement would get rid of him (them) but by some doubtful magic he is back.
Now he's in Zurich. I bet he's enjoying it.
The captain seem to be the first one to jump out of the sinking ship.
Well let's hope the ship wont sink but the captain will drown because he jumped out too early.
Good thing our PM is still in lebanon. He seems like the only decent man left in the gouvernement.

Minister of defence. Peh. Tfeh.

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  • From Damascus, Syria
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