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Friday, August 26, 2005 

Syrian incompetence causing trouble?

Syria is hindering the UN investigation into the death of Rafiq Al-Hariri, according to the UN investigator Detlev Mehlis.

The UN says it still hasn't even received replies to its requests for interviews or documents issued four weeks ago. Syria says it is ready to discuss the issues and its not trying to hinder the investigation, but it does seem to be burying its head in the sand.

The BBC moved the story up from a minor side story in the region, to one of the Middle East's top stories. The US is already making political capital from it: "Let there be no ambiguity about the American view that Syria's lack of co-operation is not acceptable." said the controversial beliggerent American ambassador to the UN John Bolton.

It reminds me of the story of one person present at Syria's negotiations with the EU to sign a trade agreement. Syria was arguing over a point, and the EU representatives didn't understand what they were talking about. Only then did it become clear that Syria had brought with it a copy of the EU-Syria deal which was years out of date.

is it possible that someone in Damascus has filed the UN's interview request in the wrong building. The wrong country?

You are so right about that ,So when syria will have well qualified caring people in gov positions ,I hope soon.Naim

I do not understand why syria did not start an investigation in that murder early on as it happend in Lebanon under syria protection.?

Hariri is nothing but a crook who threw Lebanon into a $36,000,000,000 debt. No one should care about him. But, the US wants to destroy Syria, so they use Hariri's death against Syria.

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