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Sunday, July 03, 2005 

Militant killed, 2 soldiers die - Damascus bomb threat foiled

A militant attempting to cross into Lebanon has been killed in Homs. At least two soldiers were also killed in the gunfight. It comes just days after Lebanon revealed that Syria's border was becoming more difficult to cross.

At least 34 other non-Syrians have been arrested - sources claim they were from Lebanon and Algeria.

Lebanese security sources claim the dead man was Algerian, while sources in Damascus say he was Tunisian - Majdi bin Mohammed bin Said al-Zreibi. It's claimed that he lead a radical group.

Last month a raid on a house in the Daff al-Shouk suburb of Damascus found documents saying that a previously unknown group (Jund al-Sham for Jihad and Tawhid) was planning to destabalise Damascus. It wanted to fight a holy war against secular Syria, and 'Christian Lebanon' according to documents.

Two militants and a member of the Syrian security service was killed in that raid.

So, it looks like the flak is getting closer.

May God protect us from the flak mongers.

do you think that the US will beleive now that syria is a target of the fundimantilist propably more than the countries they call freinds Syria seems to be the only secular Arab country left.naim .

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