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Friday, July 01, 2005 

Golan border opens

The border between Syria and the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights has been opened. But only to let 129 students cross back into the Occupied Territory and join their families.

The Druze students had been studying in Damascus for free for the past year, and they've gone home for the summer holiday.

The students, which included 35 women, walked 100 meters between the Syrian and Israeli border checkpoints. More students are due to cross between Sunday and Tuesday. There are 440 Golan students studying in Syria.

The students were given free tuition, accomodation and even living allowances.

i am glad that they are proud syrians, after about 40 years of ocupation refusing israeli cetizin they deserve free education ,i had that 30 years ago and did not have to endure what they did,naim

Does the opening of the border open the gate of hope that we get a just - as just as is feasible under the circumstances - peace and the return of the Golan ?

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