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Friday, July 01, 2005 

Explosion south of Beirut

A car bomb has exploded near the beach resort of Khaldeh.

A woman was injured as she opened the door of the car. No reports of any other injuries or deaths.

how come we have not heared from JUmblat blaiming syria!did he find god as my mother says,naim

I'm forever being amused by the mistakes which news services make when first reporting some - even minor - catastrophe. That happened here. In the first news accounts, the woman was said to be dead, and presumptions were made that this was a terror attack. The wire services even added descriptions of the three recent assasinations, and implied that this was the fourth. Many other minor details were also wrong.

Why would reporters make such mistakes? I think they want to be FIRST with the story, and in their opinion, speed is more important than accuracy.


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