25,000 wedding guests
112 couples have tied the knot at a mass marriage in the Damascus suburb of Qaboon.
The Christian and Muslim couples were wedded by multi-faith leaders at a cost of $29,000. The money was donated by charities to help poor couples get married.
Weddings in Syria can often cost up to $20,000 each and so mass weddings have developed as a way to help out the poorest members of society.
The couples were offered electrical goods and household items as wedding gifts.
are these people going to find places to live ( affordable housing) or they will live with their parents.?.naim/usa
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:24 pm
That's strange... multiple weddings? Sounds like a good reality show plot. lol
Posted by
TheRam |
12:51 am
Hamas gets 60,000 to attend wedding:
Posted by
TheRam |
7:35 am