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Wednesday, April 13, 2005 

13th April 1975

Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the Lebanese Civil War.

Christians, Sunni, Shia'a, Druze and Palestinians will unite to commemorate the 150,000 who died. "Today, we declare war against the war" declared opposition MP Marwan Hamadeh.

Christian militiamen shot 27 Palestinians dead on a bus.

In true Lebanese style, art exhibitions are being held. But their location is poignant. They'll be held in Beirut's Downtown, the front line between the warring factions which was artistically restored (below) in the last decade of peace.

That was the area rebuilt by slain former Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri. His assasination in February plunged the country into political turmoil. It was the first major act of violence since the war, and there have been almost weekly car bombs since.

Thirty years on, it seems we aren't quite ready to put the past behind us.

Excellent photos Marsden. Thanks.

Today's memorial is the first time the anniversary of the war has been marked. In the past fifteen years the 'W' word has been a taboo - but not the biggest taboo. That is the 'R' word (relig...).

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