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Wednesday, April 06, 2005 

All Kurds to get citizenship

300,000 Syrian Kurds are to have their citizenship restored.

Their citizenship was revoked in 1962 by President Al-Qudsi, before the Baath Party came to power. They were 'offered' citizenship as long as they swore alliegance to the President, and revoked their claim to an independent state - those who refused were denied passports, and basic rights.

Many can not even travel within Syria, in case their ID card is requested by police. They don't have ID cards - or an identity.

Most of Syria's Kurds are decended from Kurds fleeing from brutal Turkish repression in the 1920s and 30s.

Just days ago hundreds of Kurds were released from Syrian jails - they were arrested during the football riots in Qamishli last year. It's the latest sign that Syria's approach to its Kurdish population is improving.

Hi Marsden, have a look here.

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