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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 

Human remains reach Syria - from Israel

114 coffins have been paraded in Damascus, a week after being released by Israel.

They are mainly Syrian and Palestinian fighters and civilians, killed over the past 40 years. They were transferred by the Red Cross over the Israeli-Lebanese border to Hizbollah last week as part of the prisoner swap.

Today, they were brought in slow-moving vehicles from Lebanon into Syria to be buried in their final resting place. Hundreds of relatives greeted the coffins - draped in the Syrian flag - at the Jedayda crossing on the Beirut-Damascus highway.

Even though some of the victims were civilian - they did not receive the attention that the two dead Israeli militants got last week.

ciao da scorzè venezia

peace and freedom

assalam aleikoum,

I was in Damascus (Midan) when I saw a big demonstration who accompanies the coffins of the shouhadas. I took few pictures in the mukkhayam until the cemetery : http://www.flickr.com/photos/29336677@N02/

Selma (Ligue communiste révolutionnaire, france)

Hi Selma,

They're great photos. Would you mind if I republish them (with a credit of course).


Oh, no problem, just publish them. It's done to be spread !! Just a question to ask you, is it possible to have an article (tv news), even in arabic, who talks about that demo. I also would like to know precisely how many people attended the demo. I was told 1million people were there (from the boarder to lebanon). my mail : bentelhadjoumari@yahoo.fr



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